Senior Consultant in Cardiology Anders Eriksson Joins EduTechSmart Advisory Board

Umeå, Sweden, March 1th, 2024 — EduTechSmart, a Swedish company offering gamified healthcare education (interactive, game-based learning solutions), announces that specialist in internal medicine and cardiology, Anders Eriksson, a senior consultant at the University hospital in Umeå, has joined its advisory board.

Anders Eriksson is one of the early investors in EduTechSmart, and will contribute with his expertise in validation of the company´s courses in healthcare.

“We are proud to welcome heart doctor Anders Eriksson to our advisory board of experts formed to assist the company on its journey. A journey with the goal to create the best possible online courses in healthcare.”, says Matti Larsson, General Manager, EduTechSmart.

“EduTechSmart´s online course in CPR is the best I have seen. Its easy access and high repeatability of knowledge increases the survival chances of a cardiac arrest.” says Anders Eriksson, cardiology specialist, senior consultant.

EduTechSmart is looking to scale up quickly thanks to its new advisory board. More members will be revealed to the public shortly.

Picture below: Anders Eriksson.

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